All about me

Hello world! I’m Gabe. My birthday is 9-12-02, And i like games. I grew up in spring hill, EWW! but i moved to White Oak. I don’t get out much, I’m an inside person. I don’t like sports and i don’t travel. All i do is play xbox. I,m kind of a germaphobia and I always think twice. I’m very smart and I like math. well challenges, and i like a math operation I made up called multericulem. It’s calculisand and aldebra put together, kinda. I love computer’s, but mine is broke. I’m really funny, I’m just weird. But there isn’t much to explain about me, but that’s it.

New Year’s Resloution

my new year’s reslotion is eating healthy.I going to start eating things like apples and grapes and straberies.Mmmmmm.I’m also going to drink water.I take a big juge of water to school.i drink more than half of the hole juge every day.I still drink Dr.pepper,but i still eat and drink healthy things.